Dr. Christopher Weeks Nominated for Honors College Director
The Biology professor seeks to continue building on the current Honor College values and to implement beneficial changes.
Interim Director of the Mississippi College Honors College Dr. Christopher Weeks made his case for the future of the honors college to his students and faculty members on April 6. Weeks was recently nominated to be the next Director of the Honors College after the resignation of the original director Erin Norcross. Norcross’s co-director, Dr. David Miller, remains as a director of the program.
Weeks has served as a associate professor of Biology at MC since 2012 prior to taking on the position of interim Honors College Director last semester. These years of experience have prepared him for the task ahead.
“This past year has been about learning the infrastructure of what it takes to do the day to day job,” Weeks said. “Beyond the ideas and dreaming part, there is a lot of nuanced paperwork and people you need to know in order to contact about this or that. There are a lot of relational things and administrative things that I have learned this past year.”
Since taking office, Weeks wants to continue the success of what the Honors College was already doing while also implementing changes that he feels will make the program better.
Renovations to Ratliff Hall are currently underway. Weeks plans to phase the building into an honors dormitory. This is one of many new directions he would like to take, which also include “reimaging” certain honors classes, adding honors electives, and building a better sense of community between honors students.
Sophomore Biology major and Honors student, Avery Foret, was in attendance during Week’s remarks and Q&A segment. Foret left Week’s talk very optimistic about the Honors College’s future.
“I really liked how Dr. Norcross did everything,” Foret said. “I loved how she structured everything, and I was really happy that Dr. Weeks wasn’t going to completely ignore that and change everything. I really like that he is keeping the same structure, idea, and purpose, but just tweaking it a little bit to meet the requirements we need now.”
Weeks faces a confirmation vote from MC’s President, Provost and Board of Directors.