Kissimee Social Tribe Sweeps the 2023 Homecoming Court
The 2023 homecoming maids, all members of Kissimee Social Tribe, talk sisterhood, tradition, and school spirit.

Mississippi College has many homecoming traditions, and among its oldest and most beloved is the election and presentation of the homecoming court. Each year, the student body elects a homecoming queen, a homecoming maid of honor, and one maid to represent each of the four classes. The title of 2023 Homecoming Queen went to senior Anna Davis, and Makailya Drake was named the Homecoming Maid of Honor. Freshman maid Lillie Gates, sophomore maid Hannah Hinckley, junior maid Loren Pate, and senior maid Mallory Burnside made up the rest of the court. In a historic twist, all four of this year’s homecoming maids were members of Kissimee Social Tribe.
The ladies of the homecoming court all share three great loves: their school, their found sisters in Kissimee, and their families. Their school spirit is undeniable, from their gratitude and enthusiasm for representing MC on the homecoming court to all that they’ve been a part of on campus. Freshman maid Lillie Gates represents MC on the 2023 homecoming court as well as the basketball court. Sophomore maid Hannah Hinckley and junior maid Loren Pate also represent MC in various outreach organizations on campus; Hinckley served as an orientation leader last summer, and Pate is the current vice president of MC Scouts, the university’s student recruiters.
“I think it gives back to the school in a really cool way, sharing with potential students why I love it here,” Pate said of the position.
Senior maid Mallory Burnside, president of Kissimee Social Tribe, has an expansive resume of campus involvement, including both orientation and Scouts.
“I love MC, and sharing that love for it was very special to me,” Pate said.
The maids were able to share it with their families as well. Each of the girls emphasized that having their families join them for the homecoming festivities was one of the most special elements of the weekend.
“It may sound cheesy, but when they announced my mom and dad’s names next to mine, it made me feel the proudest out of everything,” Hinckley said. “I looked up to see my dad walking across the field, and I was just so thankful to have that moment with him.”
The maids were able to be presented at the homecoming halftime in the bond of sisterhood: all four are members of Kissimee Social Tribe. Gates says that the innate sisterhood amongst the maids made her first homecoming experience that much sweeter.
“It was so much fun to be able to do [homecoming court] with girls that I knew,” said Gates. “The KT girls have already made my life so much more fun, and they have definitely made me a better person. Mallory, Loren, and Hannah are such sweet and supportive friends, so it was an amazing day to be able to hang out with them.”
Conversely, this homecoming was Burnside’s last. To her, being a part of the homecoming festivities as a maid was a bittersweet experience. Still, Burnside emphasizes her gratitude.
“I love Kissimee and Mississippi College so dearly that it brings tears to my eyes to think about leaving, but more than that, I love Christ so much more and I am so thankful for what He has given me here,” Burnside said. “The most special part was being reminded of the blessings the Father gave me, especially when I came off the court and all my friends, family, and sisters were waiting to hug me, love me, and congratulate me.”
For many, but especially for the 2023 Homecoming Court Maids, homecoming is about celebrating the relationships and memories that make Mississippi College home to all who walk its halls. This homecoming will go down in Kissimee Social Tribe history, and the day is sure to be fondly remembered by the maids, their families, and their found sisters.