Symphonic Winds Concert Concludes Spring Music Department Events
The Symphonic Winds Concert Band presented their final concert of the season entitled “Dancing in Sacred Spaces” on Sunday, April 23, at 3 p.m. in Swor Auditorium.
As the spring semester comes to an end, MC students prepare for their final exams, projects, and performances of the season. The students and faculty of the music department also hold their last concerts and performances of the season to perform what they have been working on in their ensembles all semester.
The Symphonic Winds Concert Band presented their final concert of the season entitled “Dancing in Sacred Spaces” on Sunday, April 23, at 3 p.m. in Swor Auditorium. The concert included intriguing pieces like “Crown of Thorns,” “Wavelet,” and “Vesuvius.” Students were highlighted in various roles such as student conductor and two ensembles.
The conductor of the Symphonic Winds is Dr. Renee Wilson, an assistant professor for both the undergraduate and graduate programs in the MC Department of Music. Wilson joined the music department faculty in 2017 and began teaching a range of music classes. It was not until this spring semester that she stepped into the directing role of Symphonic Winds for the first time.
Wilson said that she hopes that her students realize “that it’s okay to make mistakes and laugh at yourself and to continue to enjoy making music.” She went on to say, “I hope that [the students] discovered or rediscovered a love for playing and for making music together and to continue the traditions that we have here [at MC] and that [they] continue making music together even after this semester.”
The Symphonic Winds Concert Band consists of 39 people from different classifications and majors. The band meets on Mondays and Wednesdays 4-5:30 p.m. and Fridays 2-3:30 p.m. A typical rehearsal starts with a warm-up followed by runs and breakdowns of performance music. “We have a wonderful group of people in our ensemble that work well together, so rehearsals are always a good time for everyone involved. It’s a welcome break from the day-to-day stress throughout the semester,” commented sophomore clarinetist Grace Rogers.
The concert consisted of eight songs with individual students and small groups featured. The first two songs, “But Joy Comes” and “Crown of Thorns,” were conducted by student conductor Leah Pruett with scripture readings by Dr. Beth Everett. “Chorale Prelude: Be Thou My Vision” and “Baroque Brass: A suite,” were played by a brass quintet group. Following that was a flute trio that performed “Wavelet.” The last three pieces were full-ensemble performances.
During the concert, Dr. Ben Williams, Chair of the music department, talked about the upcoming fall season for the marching band. He introduced the new Director of Bands, Mr. Duvy Salvant, an MC graduate and Director of Bands for Wesson Attendance Center in Copiah, MS.
“I feel really good about the performance. It was some of our best playing. Things happened in the performance that were unexpected, but that’s just the nature of live performing arts,” Wilson said. “I am grateful to have had the opportunity to make music with Symphonic Winds this semester.”
Toward the end of the concert, she recognized the graduating seniors and band for their perseverance throughout the semester before presenting the Mackie Award to Claire Copeland for most outstanding concert band member.
“I feel like we have made the best music we have in at least a year in Symphonic Winds. We were well united as a whole and on the same page overall,” junior French horn player Jonathan Dacus said.